During the past two years, due to the pandemic, ‘figures’ and ‘rankings’ of retail sales had little relevance to performance. This year, it’s different. While the reporting period for Mini Guns (1 August 2021 – 31 July 2022) was still partially affected by COVID restrictions in some states (mainly NSW and Victoria), we have now entered the ‘new normal’ and 2022 will become the new benchmark, the new ‘base year’ for the future.
The Cohen Group’s Burnside Village takes out the top honours in terms of MAT, recording a whopping $238 million, up some 5.4% on last year. St Ives Village, presently up for sale, comes in a very close second with $235 million showing a 6% improvement on 2021. Some great improvements in the Top 10 include Mirvac’s South Village, up 14.9%, and its Moonee Ponds Central recording a 13.3% increase.
Move to the MAT/m2 ladder, and one gets an illustration of the strength of these Mini Gun centres in the fact that you need to trade at almost $10,000 per square metre p.a to get into the Top 60!

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