Retail Trends 2024: Asset Management trumps greenfield development
The team at Titanium look at the retail trends for 2024 across developments, leasing, design and food. In a period where capital and developments are hard to get off the...

Why COVID pets are re-shaping our F&B landscape
In this article, Titanium Food & Place’s Suzee Brain crystal balls the F&B landscape across the major retail asset classes with some fascinating insights. During COVID, 20% of families welcomed...

Titanium Property Investment and B&P merger
Titanium Property Investment has joined forces with Australasia’s leading food consultants, Brain & Poulter (B&P). With decades of industry experience, Titanium Property Investment works with clients to realise the potential...

Bruce Sedgwick, Titanium Property Investment
The Shopping Centre industry is driven by people. It’s the skills and expertise of the people that manage, develop and evolve shopping centres for their communities that creates this great...
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