Mini Guns 2020
We report Mini Gun figures for the year. That in itself is somewhat remarkable! If we had said something along the lines – “the majority of owners/managers didn’t submit figures this year as a result of the COVID-19 situation and subsequent closure of some/all stores… etcetera, etcetera,” no one would...

Does your centre behave like a brand?
We’ve all got a lot of brands in our centres but are we a brand ourselves? Does your centre have a ‘brand’? Should it have one? Brands harness customer loyalty;...

How to build customer loyalty and ‘sticky-ness’ for your shopping centre
‘Big data’ is an increasingly used term and the experts tell us it’s the way of the future for shopping centres. John Dwyer maintains that big data should be used...

From the Publisher – September 2020
One of the problems with ‘public opinion’ is that often the public doesn’t have sufficient knowledge to form one! ‘Percentage Rent’ has loomed into the commercial arena recently, with the...

Shuffles September 2020
AMP CAPITAL Helen Hey has been appointed General Manager, Retail Marketing. Helen was the founder of Scentre Group’s first ever greenfield venture, a loyalty enablement platform and marketplace called ‘WhatsMine’....

Big Guns 2020
92 Centres are featured this year, of those, 11 were under redevelopment or have only traded fully for part of the year – therefore we have statistics on 81 Big Guns. It’s a few less than previous years. This year, 151 Properties’ Forest Hill Chase, Greensborough, Top Ryde and Warrawong declined...

Women in Development
The development discipline in the property industry has traditionally been male dominated. However, we all know that the majority of customers in shopping centres are women. So, it makes sense...

Big Guns 2019
I know it gets repetitive but it’s another great year for Big Guns. First up mention has to be Chadstone. It was the first of our centres to record an MAT of $1 billion – this year's Big Guns report, Vicinity’s Chadstone has passed the $2 billion mark. What an...
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