GPT gives shoppers chance to win groceries for a year
The GPT Group is offering its customers the chance to win groceries for a year, with shoppers across the country invited to enter the fresh food giveaway before it closes...

Monopoly Shop Scan win returns to Vicinity Centres
The much-anticipated Monopoly Shop Scan Win campaign has returned to 50 selected Vicinity and DFO shopping centres, with more prizes up for grabs. Vicinity’s Monopoly Shop Scan Win is an...

Vicinity Centres ‘We’re Here For Here’ campaign
This article forms part of a special feature in the latest edition of SCN magazine showcasing winning campaigns from the 2022 SCCA Marketing Awards. The ‘We’re Here For Here’ campaign by...

Pacific Werribee launches ‘Shop for your School’ campaign
In an effort to support local fresh food retailers, Pacific Werribee has launched its ‘Shop for your School’ campaign giving local primary schools the chance to share in $30,000 worth...

Stockland hosts fashion activations in three Sydney Town Centres
Stockland has launched its new and exciting campaign, Fashion Locker, just in time for customers to find out about the latest Autumn/Winter trends across its three retail centres: Stockland Balgowlah,...

SCCA Marketing Awards: Winners announced
The Shopping Centre Council of Australia (SCCA) have announced the winners of the 2021 SCCA Marketing Awards via a virtual Awards Ceremony filmed live from the Hyatt Regency in Sydney...

Stockland celebrates Australian mothers
With Mother’s Day this Sunday, Stockland is recognising the incredible contribution from all mums across the country, now more than ever, with its new Mother’s Day campaign, ‘Let Us Be...
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