New shopping centre tax database shows increased gouging
A new tax database developed by the Shopping Centre Council of Australia (SCCA), in partnership with Urbis, puts a spotlight on the alarming tax increases being imposed on shopping centres...

Land Tax relief packages welcomed by landlords
The states and territories have announced a range of land tax measures to help landowners manage some of the challenges COVID-19 has presented. Each state and territory has different eligibility requirements...

NSW Government offers $440 million land tax break
Commercial tenants significantly impacted by COVID-19 will have greater protection from evictions with the NSW state government set to enact the National Cabinet Code of Conduct as part of a...

Shopping Centres welcome Queensland’s $400 million Land Tax Relief package
The Shopping Centre Council of Australia (SCCA) today welcomed the Queensland Government’s $400 million Land Tax Relief package which will assist in the provision of support to retail tenants experiencing...
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