Census 2021 what did we learn?
This article was first published in Shopping Centre News – Mini Guns 2022 edition. Premium members can view the full digital issue here. These days, we’re engulfed in data, statistics...

Data is the new oil – Improving asset management decision-making
Technology is rapidly evolving and customer experience has never been more important. How can shopping centres stay ahead of the curve in today’s changing landscape? This article forms part of a...

Skyfii releases an automated occupancy and social distancing management tool to help businesses comply with COVID-19 regulations
In the wake of COVID-19, the ability to actively maintain a safe environment for customers and staff members is crucial. Skyfii, an Omnidata Intelligence company and the leader in location-based...

Four simple steps to improve sustainability and tenant comfort
Analysing a shopping centre’s temperature, air quality, ventilation and overall shopper and tenant comfort, is a difficult exercise if the equipment that controls such factors is not digitised. The comfort...
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