Practical place-making post-pandemic
We talk constantly of ‘place-making’. Our centres are community spaces and ‘places’ within them contribute significantly to the total experience. But as Claire Bowles and Sophie Hutchinson explains, a ‘place’...

Video killed the radio star but COVID-19 killed the foodcourt
The food court as we know it – a mass of seats, surrounded by fast food outlets on the perimeter – is very ill, dying or, according to Suzee Brain,...

Food and hospitality’s new social contract in a 1.5-metre economy
Francis Loughran says the ‘mall’ is changing. So much so, in fact, that in the future we might not even call it a ‘mall’ at all. At SCN, we can’t...

Nisha Rawal, Director, Urbis
SCN invited five women leaders in the field of property research to give us their thoughts on the current state of the industry and the future. It’s an interesting feature....

Nerida Conisbee, Chief Economist, REA Group
SCN invited five women leaders in the field of property research to give us their thoughts on the current state of the industry and the future. It’s an interesting feature....

Jessica Wilkinson, Senior Research Manager, Lendlease
We invited five women leaders in the field of property research to give us their thoughts on the current state of the industry and the future. It’s an interesting feature....

Louise Burke, Senior Analyst, JLL
SCN invited five women leaders in the field of property research to give us their thoughts on the current state of the industry and the future. It’s an interesting feature....

Kate Bailey, Head of Retail and Logistics Research, CBRE
SCN invited five women leaders in the field of property research to give us their thoughts on the current state of the industry and the future. It’s an interesting feature....

Re-concepting centre events and activations
In January 2020 my first daughter was born and my world shifted. She was born with her mother’s determination, and my loud voice. But in March 2020 Australia went into...

Harnessing big data to make precincts
“Just think of all the things that have come and gone in our own lifetimes, all the would-be futures we watched age into obsolescence – CD, DVD, answering machine, Walkman,...

COVID-19 and lease extensions: more red tape
There’s good ‘practical advice’ here and it’s COVID-19 related. Leases have been extended to match up to negotiated rent deferral periods. But what about notices regarding ‘end of lease’? What...

Weathering the economic storm
In our regular column from the National Retail Association, Dominique Lamb looks at shopping centre retail and how her members are coping. She’s bullish about the coming tax cuts and...

Mini Guns 2020
We report Mini Gun figures for the year. That in itself is somewhat remarkable! If we had said something along the lines – “the majority of owners/managers didn’t submit figures this year as a result of the COVID-19 situation and subsequent closure of some/all stores… etcetera, etcetera,” no one would...

Does your centre behave like a brand?
We’ve all got a lot of brands in our centres but are we a brand ourselves? Does your centre have a ‘brand’? Should it have one? Brands harness customer loyalty;...

How to build customer loyalty and ‘sticky-ness’ for your shopping centre
‘Big data’ is an increasingly used term and the experts tell us it’s the way of the future for shopping centres. John Dwyer maintains that big data should be used...

From the Publisher – September 2020
One of the problems with ‘public opinion’ is that often the public doesn’t have sufficient knowledge to form one! ‘Percentage Rent’ has loomed into the commercial arena recently, with the...

Shuffles September 2020
AMP CAPITAL Helen Hey has been appointed General Manager, Retail Marketing. Helen was the founder of Scentre Group’s first ever greenfield venture, a loyalty enablement platform and marketplace called ‘WhatsMine’....
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