Three questions landlords should be asking right now to achieve success in FY21
COVID-19. When it’s ‘over’, what will be the new norm? Will tenancies mixes be different? Will rents be reduced? How long will recovery take? Questions people in our industry are...

Shopping centres across Australia: our new local hero
As coronavirus fears boosted grocery sales and the stockpiling of essentials, many local shopping centres experienced an unprecedented increase in foot traffic. Ben Walker of Shopper Media Group shares data...

Post COVID-19 survival depends upon adaption
The changes we are going to see are numerous and far ranging. But much of the commentary is conceptual, intellectual, theory based. But what about ‘specifics’ – hard hitting stuff,...

Another day, another article about the end of physical retail… Let’s examine the facts
In less than four months, the COVID-19 pandemic has turned Australia’s supply chain and business processes upside down. This comes as social distancing practices underpin an unprecedented shift towards online...

Leading the Retail Revival in the Pandemic Era
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is ongoing and will have a lasting impact on how we do business. As shopping centres grapple with the immediate challenges of restoring shoppers’...

F&B in the ‘new normal’
Food & Beverage (F&B) has been and will continue to be impacted enormously. Many restaurants, cafés, food court operators and specialised food outlets, will never open again and others will...

Three scenarios for a Post-COVID world
As the COVID-19 restrictions starts to eased somewhat; there seems to be a continual move towards ‘a return to business as usual’. Generally, that seems to be the sentiment ‘out...

The usual 12-month reporting period for SCN's annual CBD Guns runs from 1 April to 31 March. This year, we changed it to 1 March 2019 to 29 February 2020. We did this as the COVID-19 situation led to a number of variances across the nation during the month of March...

The next-normal for landlords: your importance as strategic leaders
We need to think beyond the ‘now’. Presently, our focus is on ‘getting back to normal’; but that won’t happen because ‘normal’ has disappeared forever. When the COVID-19 episode is...

Advertising in the pandemic
Everything (well nearly everything) is down. In a downturn, do you continue advertising or do you put it on hold? If you do; what’s your message? Same as usual or...

Post-COVID Retail: The great retail reset?
There’s no doubt that retail and shopping centres will change post COVID-19. But how? Architects and designers are at the cutting edge. What’s interesting is opinion on the sheer ‘range...

Shifting perceptions and patterns are shaping our environments
Have you switched to supporting local businesses amid this crisis and found that the benefits of shopping with smaller local retailers outweigh the slightly increased prices you may pay for...

Universal design and inclusive retail
The best design is a product, service or environment that provides for, and enables, maximum use by as many people as possible. Simply put, Universal Design is good design. Universal Design...

Communication in a crisis
In a crisis, leaders need to communicate efficiently. Singularity of message, clarity and precision, triumph – while, vagueness, obfuscation and confusion, fail. Increasingly, landlords and shopping centre management teams will...

The rise of the retail podium
What’s the most popular ‘retail asset class’ in the current market? A Big Gun? A Little Gun? A department store building in the centre of a city? A row of...

Robert Spiers can always find fault in ‘normal time’ legislation. When circumstances change and legislation is rushed to deal with emerging emergencies, Speirs can find loopholes and anomalies in plague...

10 key actions for retail recovery
As lockdown restrictions begin to be lifted and businesses reopen, the retail community is determined to maintain the highest safety standards possible. In addition to safeguarding the community from exposure...

ICSC abandons its global role
The International Council of Shopping Centres is anything but ‘International’. Over the years, the ICSC has ‘positioned’ itself as the ‘authoritative institution’ of the shopping centre world. But that’s purely...

Thinus Keeve, COLES GROUP
Thinus is Coles Group’s Chief Property & Export Officer and has considerable commercial experience in the retail, strategy and liquor sectors. Thinus has held various senior leadership roles at Coles...

Nick Patrick, SOUL ORIGIN
Nick is the National Leasing and Development Manager for Soul Origin. For the past 13 years, he has worked in the retail property industry for both landlords and retailers. His...

Damian Keogh AM, HOYTS GROUP
Damian is the President and CEO of The HOYTS Group, a role he has held since 2014. As part of the Chinese owned Wanda Group, which owns 12% of the...

Carlos Antonius, CHATIME GROUP
Carlos joined the Chatime Group in June 2015 and is charged with overseeing the Australian operations for the Chatime and Goobne brands. Carlos has more than 25 years’ experience in...

Martin Matthews is the CEO of Brand Collective, which owns and operates iconic Australian and international brands including Superdry, Shoes & Sox, Hush Puppies, and Clarks and Volley. Martin has...

The new normal retailers accelerate physical and digital integration
As retailers gradually begin to re-open their stores, many are doing so with initiatives that converge the digital and physical channels in innovative ways. This article examines how Scentre Group...

From the Publisher
The world is waiting for the ‘new normal’ since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. In itself, it’s an acceptance that things will never be the same; but just how...

Richard Facioni, ALCEON GROUP
Richard Facioni leads Alceon Group’s principal investment team, with a particular focus on retail and consumer investments. He is an investor in and director of an extensive portfolio of operating businesses,...

Reframing retail in the wake of COVID-19
The retail sector has always been in a constant state of evolution, adapting to changes in society, economic cycles, densification of population and technical advances. Even before the outbreak of...
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