Retailers that innovate are winning
Sidone Thomas was the inaugural winner of the Frank Lowy Fellowship Award. Part of her prize was to attend the World Retail Congress in Madrid. She extended the trip and...

Charter Hall – A new approach to a very different portfolio
Charter Hall has a very different approach, but then they’ve got a very different portfolio! It’s retail in all forms; from stand-alone supermarkets and hardware stores, to major shopping centres...

Looking inside retail
There was a time, not too long ago, when the major debate in our industry was all about the ‘boxes’ we’d created, with the entire action being on the inside...

Assignment of the lease can be Machiavellian
As usual, a very amusing article from Robert Speirs. This time he looks at the ‘Assignment of Lease’ clause, with special attention paid to the NSW Retail Leases Act. Again,...

Little Guns 2018
Another great year for Little Gun centres! We rank 96 centres this year; all centres with a GLA of more than 20,000m2 but less than 50,000m2. In a year of low inflation, almost zero wage growth across the nation, and analysts forecasting gloom and doom in the retail sector, the...

Connecting locally is key
This article looks at the interesting research and analytics that goes into creating a truly ‘local centre’. Today’s shopping centres no longer subscribe to the outdated model of being a...

Insights from a project manager on successful tenancy coordination
Tenancy coordination can be a tricky business. There are a number of stakeholders involved, and if it is not planned and managed correctly from the beginning, it can often lead...

Building the illusion of business as usual
The current state of the retail construction market is categorised by a greater focus on refurbishments, extensions and interior re-purposing projects, as opposed to new greenfield developments. These types of...

Kidulting Around
Cinemas in shopping centres only occurred in the 1990s. Look at new usages – from mobile phones to sporting footwear – and what you see is a society in transition....

Better environments. Better experiences. Better economics.
Biophilic Design has entered the shopping centre world! It’s all about connecting with nature and when we do (in a shopping centre), it increases dwell-time and the retail spend, with...

Destination Station!
Now here’s an article to set some retail development managers running to the arena of Public Private Partnerships. The redevelopment of railway stations presents some massive opportunities. Great retail centres...

Vicinity Centres’ Job Fair program
We all strive for our centres to become the community focal point – to respond to community issues. Vicinity Centres has gone a lot further. The team has recognised a...

The details make the design
Kelvin Taylor takes us on a design tour of Hong Kong. We find new streets, a critique (well more of an appreciation) of the renowned Pacific Place and a pair...

Kawana Shoppingworld
Kawana Shoppingworld’s latest extensions are about to come on stream. The very first shopping centre on the Sunshine Coast, its major redevelopment in 2014 saw the Mirvac centre present itself...

People-centric food and hospitality
It’s a changing world and the consumer is leading the way. The change in our industry is not just confined to the larger centres; smaller centres must adapt to respond...

Zen and the Art of Shopping: An inquiry into wellbeing
How often do we think of our shoppers’ ‘wellbeing’? And how do we provide for it? It’s all part of the ‘experience’ and it’s significantly influential on ‘repeat visits’… Bricks-and-mortar...

Urban Design Destinations
The creativity, speed and fabulousness of our retail and hospitality industry progresses and retailers, operators and landlords alike continue to innovate and create to impress today’s ever connected, always on,...

Industry Shuffles – November 2018
AMPCSC Sandra Livingstone has been promoted to General Manager, Asset Management across the AMP Shopping Centres teams in Australia and New Zealand. Natalie Douglas has been appointed as Centre Manager...

Lease smarter, not harder
Food and beverage has been the flavour of the decade! Our centres have expanded the component beyond what was considered possible only a few years back. But there are still...

From the Publisher
I’m writing from China, a country where I spend five to six months a year. The country’s ’11.11’ day is over. ‘Singles’ Day’ (or ‘Guanggun Jie’) is its original nomenclature...
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