Industry shuffles – May 2018
AMPCSC Louise Raymond joins as General Manager, Shopping Centre Marketing. Louise has previously held senior marketing roles with Lendlease and GPT and will bring great insight and experience. The new...

Chadstone vs Myer: Massive outgoings dispute
Robert Speirs, a specialist in retail leases and regular contributor to SCN, looks at the recent case where the lessors claimed a payment for operating costs over and above that...

From the Publisher
We’ve had a lot happening at SCN since our last issue… The major event of our year – the Big Guns lunch – occurred and as always, it was a...

Leveraging the brand
In my previous article in the March Big Guns issue, I covered retailers moving into the food and beverage game. In this issue, I’m exploring those that have taken their...

Some great results from the CBD Guns! The Strand Arcade continues to power ahead with a healthy rise in MAT this year and specialties are trading at well over the $25,000/m2 mark. The emerging battle between Pitt and George Streets for retail supremacy put The Strand Arcade in a great...

Stockland Green Hills
Stockland Green Hills has transformed itself from the most powerful Little Gun in the country, into a super-prime regional and one of the major Big Gun centres in Australia. It...

Toombul Shopping Centre
Unlocking Value is the cornerstone of Mirvac Retail’s strategy. It’s a well-defined strategy, enunciated clearly a few years back when the company rationalised its retail portfolio. It was in 2013...

Again, the cream of the industry gathered for the annual Big Guns Lunch at Sydney’s Establishment Hotel in the CBD. As is customary, the CEOs of the major shopping centre...

World Square
A local destination with an international audience As Sydney continues to grow into its well-deserved reputation as an important global city straddling East and West, the redevelopment and expansion of...

Interior re-purposing without the interruptions
One of the shopping centre manager’s biggest headaches is caused by construction works or interior works in an existing centre. Retailers need to trade alongside construction activity; shoppers need to...

Future You
We ponder deeply about the future of retail – what will a shop be like, will it contain stock or just imagery, holograms, samples? How will the internet and online...

The ARA pushes for payments pain reduction
With the rapid development of technology in the retail industry and the constant rise of online retail, we continue to advocate for payments reform to promote a more innovative, competitive...

Big data the key to retail growth
Big Data, we’re told, is the answer to most commercial problems. We’re now informed it’s the solution for shopping centres in their battle against the online sellers. Ben Walker tells...

The emotions and science of branding
The current events of the Banking Royal Commission has placed the corporate world on high alert with respect to promoting and protecting their brand values and reputation. Today’s ever-changing competitive...

George Street Boulevard
The completion of Sydney’s new George Street Boulevard is sparking a major shift in the city’s retail landscape, with the once renowned grid-locked strip fast becoming a retail powerhouse. While...

Don’t call me a Mall
In this two-part article, Francis Loughran looks at what the modern retail centre stands for from a food and hospitality perspective. Is it possible that the modern lifestyle destination will...

Farewell smashed avocado
The iGeners are here and in force – they’ve joined the Millennials and, more to the point, they’re influencing our centres. iGeners don’t remember a time before the internet; they...

Australian retailers are still far from united
SCN readers will know, we publish comment from both the National Retail Association and the Australian Retailers Association. One would think that the aims and objectives of both organisations would...

Clicks and Mortar: Which trends are changing Christmas in 2018?
Over 125 years at Chas Clarkson, we’ve witnessed a lot of changes in the way shopping centres present Christmas. We now design, produce and install Christmas decorations for approximately 60%...

Quay Quarter
A bold new neighbourhood emerges in the heart of Sydney’s CBD Set to transform Sydney’s northern CBD, Quay Quarter Sydney, incorporating Quay Quarter Tower, 33 Alfred Street and the Young...

Indemnities: misunderstood and often ignored!
Indemnities are often the least understood clause in the retail lease. So says John Morrison. In this article, he looks at the topic and cautions both lessors and lessees to...

The NRA opposes minimum wage increase
Recently, the ACTU released a proposal to increase the minimum wage by $50 (7.2%) a week, claiming that it would create 57,000 jobs in the first year and a further...

SA trading hours reform
Angus Nardi gives us an overview on trading hours reform in South Australia. He says that compromise and incrementalism is a potential trend that could continue. Shop trading hours reform...

Top five recruitment trends
Gough Recruitment’s focus is to stay on top of the constantly evolving job market. Here they list the top five recruitment trends that dominate the Real Estate, Property, Development and...
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