The Shopping Centre industry is driven by people. It’s the skills and expertise of the people that manage, develop and evolve shopping centres for their communities that creates this great industry. Shopping Centre News profiles a range of interesting people from the industry each week. This week we speak to Noah Roh, Guest Experience Manager at Vicinity Centre’s Melbourne Emporium who after a recent career change from being a health professional to now leading the concierge team at one of the most prestigious CBD centres in the country Noah loves every aspect of his role.
What is your current role and main responsibilities?
As the Guest Experience Manager my main responsibility, as the title suggests, is ensuring that all of our guests have a great experience in our Centre. This includes both consumers as well as our retail partners.
Leading the high performing concierge team is a major part of my role to achieve this. Visitor market make up a big proportion of our shoppers and community group, so I am also involved in some of our tourism related projects.
How did you get in to this industry?
It was a combination of good timing and meeting the right people who were willing to provide me with an opportunity in this industry I was new to. When I began looking to change my career path in 2014 Emporium Melbourne was getting ready to open and there were positions available in the concierge team.
Tell us a little bit about your career
Before joining Emporium Melbourne during the opening in 2014, I was a registered acupuncturist. In fact, I was still treating my patients a few weeks prior to the Centre opening. Although the acupuncturist profession was rewarding and meaningful, it had become clear to me that my passion was in hospitality and service, so I started looking to change my career path.
I was fortunate to have been given the opportunity as a casual concierge despite being new to the industry. 2 months into my role I was offered to supervise the customer service desk at Northland Shopping Centre. Another 10 months later what was originally my dream job back in Emporium Melbourne became available. Somehow, with minimal customer service, tourism or shopping centre experience I was accepted into the role in the centre management office. I have now been on this position for 3 and a half years and still loving it.
What has been your hardest career decision?
I must say the transition from the healthcare profession to an unknown of the new career path. I had studied and practiced acupuncture for many years and with a young family it wasn’t an easy decision to make. My wife was a huge support.
What do you love most about your job?
The people. I get to work with some of the best in the industry within Centre Management and concierge. I learn a lot each day working with my colleagues. Also, the opportunity to build relationships with the retailers, community groups, tourism bodies and the guests keep the job exciting each day. It is interesting to meet and get to know such a diverse range of people each day.
What motivates you?
What I do now aligns with my purpose and passion in helping others. Reminding myself of my purposes and personal goals keeps me motivated.
What is your most memorable moment of your career?
It is hard to pinpoint just one. A few weeks ago a young female guest had lost her wallet and phone while she was visiting us in Melbourne CBD. She was from Ballarat and it was nearing dark but she had no way of contacting her family or paying for her way home. Our concierge team assisted her by calling her mother using our desk phone while I went to buy a myki card for her. It was taking an extra step outside of our normal duties but a tremendous help for this young lady who returned a few days later with her mother and a friend with a hand-written thank you card for our concierge team and a box of chocolates. Moments like these are what keeps us going.
What do you think makes a successful shopping centre?
Gone are the days when a shopping centre could simply line up shops that sold products and expect consumers to come. We already see a dramatic shift in the US where a whole shopping centre is closing, while new centres opening understand the demands of the modern customers. Each Centre, or a group of Centres, is a brand on its own. It must have its own colour and vision. The people managing and working in the Centre must share and live this vision each and every day. The retail mix, services offered, or presentation of the mall will all then naturally align with who we are and what we stand for and the people who love us for who we are will become our loyal customers. In summary, successful shopping centre has a clear Vision and a dedicated team who live and breathe that vision.

Melbourne Emporium Tours
Which in your opinion is the best example of a good shopping centre, retail precinct or place?
I like to look overseas for inspiration. Starfield COEX Mall in Seoul Korea, West Edmonton Mall in Edmonton Canada and The Grove in Los Angeles U.S. are some of my favourites. What they have in common is that they have their own uniqueness and that they have a higher focus on the experience and service rather than just retail. Which ironically seems to translate to a more successful retail stores. I am also very interested in the American Dream in Meadowlands U.S. due to open next year.
What are some of the trends you are seeing in the industry?
As mentioned above, there is a growing focus on the experience and mixed use. It is becoming more and more common to have residential apartments, office towers or hotels combined with shopping centres. Shopping centres are also focusing on their guest services and introducing new services to entice customers. Complimentary wheelchair hires or free WIFI is now an expected, no longer a surprise and delight factor.
Did you think you would end up in the role you are in now?
Not even until the last minute I was offered the role. As an acupuncturist I didn’t even know such a role existed. When I came into the industry the position became my goal which I was surprised to achieve so quickly.
What advice would you give to someone starting in the industry?
Take pride. It is a unique industry requiring surprisingly large amounts of expert knowledge and understanding.
What do you do in your leisure time to de-stress?
With 2 young daughters I am having trouble remembering what leisure time used to mean. I have learnt to enjoy the Disney films, the Wiggles and jumping on the trampoline.
What’s your favourite retailer and why?
I am told that parents shouldn’t have favourites when it comes to their children. I do like retailers who have a clear vision and also engage and work with the shopping centre management.
Do you like shopping?
What I enjoy doing is helping people who shop, whether they actually like shopping or not, have a great experience. I myself, will do shopping only when I need to.
What is the single most important quality you need to possess to be in this industry?
I value diversity and I think its important that various qualities make up our industry.
- Les Clefs d’Or Ball
- Les Clefs d’Or Concierge & Hospitality Ball.
What are some of the highlights of your role?
2017 was a big year for me. Firstly I was nominated as the runner up for the Tourism Industry Professional of the Year by the Les Clefs d’Or society. There was also an internal campaign to select ambassadors to represent different Centre Brands within Vicinity Centres. After company wide vote and selection from the executive board, I was selected as the Brand Ambassador for the Leadership Centres.
This year, I participated in the AICR Australia’s Receptionist of the Year competition as part of the judge panel. It was a great honour to sit beside highly experienced professionals within the hospitality industry. Community initiatives such as taking part in the Super Boss Day with my concierge team at Emporium Melbourne has also been a great experience for me as well as the guests.