We report Mini Gun figures for the year. That in itself is somewhat remarkable! If we had said something along the lines – “the majority of owners/managers didn’t submit figures this year as a result of the COVID-19 situation and subsequent closure of some/all stores… etcetera, etcetera,” no one would have blinked! However, that proved not to be the case.
The results came in but some comments need to be made. Across the board, owners/managers were unanimous in their decision not to ‘amend’ or ‘adjust’ the MAT/m2 figures for store closures. For example, it might have been valid or justifiable, if a store was closed for a month, to add to its turnover, an ‘average monthly’ figure for the 11 months it was open. Alternatively, its last year’s turnover for the same month could have been added… no such ‘adjustments’ were made.
Productivity figures for the period August 1, 2019 to July 31, 2020 were reported on a raw basis.

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