This year, we depart from the usual. The Big Guns issue is always ‘pounced upon’ as it’s published. Which centres took the honours in terms of MAT, MAT/m2 and Specialty MAT/m2, is always of paramount interest to our readers.
The feature invariably provides the lead story in the business/property sections of all major national newspapers on the day of publication. Our research shows that the issue has a shelf-life of 12-months, often longer as the information is used to track growth year on year.
This year, there are no Big Guns ranking tables; we made a decision at SCN to omit them from our publication.
The figures are not the result of some form of competition; they are only one of a myriad of factors that, together, contribute to the overall picture of the performance of a specific centre. What they are in their totality is a reflection of the professionalism inherent in our industry; they are testimony to the quality of the overall expertise of our management and indicative of the openness in the way in which we conduct our business. A Ferrari might be a faster car than a Rolls Royce, but that doesn’t make it better; conversely, the Rolls may be more comfortable, yet again, not necessarily superior. The figures supplied in our tables provide some relevant information; not all the information!
COVID-19 took its toll on turnover in 2020, so we made a decision not to publish sales figures simply because they didn’t provide any meaningful information.

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Dylan Bull
Hi Team - Can't wait to see these. I cannot find them at the moment.