The Malinauskas Labor Government has drafted legislation and will now begin formal consultation to allow for earlier trading on Sundays. The reforms will allow South Australians to shop from 9am on Sundays, instead of waiting until 11am.
The drafting of legislation marks a big step forward on delivering Labor’s election commitment of shop trading reform which strikes the right balance for workers, small businesses and shoppers. The Shop Trading Hours (Extension of Hours) Amendment Bill 2022 would also lock in trading on Boxing Day across Adelaide.
Currently, only shops in the CBD may open on Boxing Day, trading from 11am to 5pm (except if Boxing Day falls on a Saturday in which case shops may open earlier).
The government’s legislation would allow shopping centres across metropolitan Adelaide to trade on Boxing Day from 9am to 5pm.
Retail lobby groups the National Retail Association (NRA) and The Australian Retailers Association (ARA) have welcomed the announcement.
NRA Chief Executive Officer Dominique Lamb said the proposed 9am opening on Sunday, instead of 11am, would create hundreds of opportunities for new or additional work, as well as opening up shopping and leisure choices for consumers.
“This is a measured and sensible proposal from the State Government,” Lamb said.
“While we need to respect people’s right to enjoy some down time on the weekends, we also need to treat employers, workers and shoppers as adults and allow them to make the choice that suits them best.
“In other states these extended trading hours have been accompanied by a safeguard to prevent workers from being forced to work if they don’t want to, and those rules have served to protect retail staff.

Westfield Marion, SA
“For many staff, the penalty rates that apply on a Sunday morning make it very attractive to go work.
“Shopping Centre leasing arrangements also contain safeguards that allow businesses to choose whether to trade when opening times are extended beyond standard hours.
“And from the consumer’s point of view, the experience in other states has always been that shoppers embrace additional trading hours. We have no doubt that will be the case here also.
“So we see this as a win for shoppers, workers and business owners, and we congratulate the government for committing to bring everyone along with them in their consultations,” said Lamb.
ARA CEO Paul Zahra said the proposed changes are a small but significant step in modernising South Australia’s outdated trading hour regime.
“The ARA has spent years advocating for more flexible trading hours in South Australia, so today’s announcement is a positive move forward for our members, and for consumers as well, who’ll benefit from extended trading on Sundays,” Zahra said.
The government will now undertake a three-week consultation period, before introducing the legislation in the first sitting week when Parliament resumes.