To help tackle loneliness and improve the wellbeing of those in the local community, in partnership with the Port Adelaide Enfield Council, Port Adelaide Plaza Shopping Centre is proud to introduce ‘Happy to Chat’.
The ‘Happy to Chat’ initiative provides a space for people to support one another and find genuine connection, boosting the level of healthy conversation that happens in the community. Everyone has a story to tell and taking just ten minutes to share with someone, might just be the highlight of their day.
The concept is simple – a seating area within the Centre has a welcoming sign on it that reads: ‘Happy to Chat: Sit Here If You Don’t Mind Someone Stopping to Say Hello’. A free coffee is provided with every chat.
Chantal Heaver, Port Adelaide Plaza Marketing Manager, says. “We’re always looking for opportunities to expand and enhance the shopping experience for our Port Adelaide Plaza customers. We know what an inclusive, compassionate, and positive community we have right here in Port Adelaide, and we are creating a space for people to stop, connect and share.
“Port Adelaide Plaza has long been a favourite with the ‘locals,’ but with more residents moving into the wider area around the Centre, the community’s needs have been evolving too.”

Port Adelaide Plaza
Research has highlighted that health and wellness is a key focus for consumers. Now more than ever, people are prioritising a healthy lifestyle, proactively taking care of their health and, in the process, spending more money on their physical and mental wellbeing.
By providing a platform for people to support one another and offer genuine connection, the ‘Happy to Chat’ initiative aims to increase empathy and reduce the rate of loneliness in the community. The seating provides everyone with an opportunity to take a little time out, meet someone new and gain insight into other peoples’ experiences.
Community Connector volunteer chatters, Lauren, Tammie, and Sharon, are available every Monday from 1pm-2pm and Wednesday between 10am-11am to chat to whoever is sitting there.
“I think it is a wonderful way to reconnect people in a safe and supportive environment,’ says Sharon. One thing is for sure, having a conversation with someone is a great way to break down the invisible social barriers that can exist between people and reduce isolation in our community — so let’s sit down and get talking.”