AMP Capital’s Pacific Fair has launched a walking club in conjunction with The Heart Foundation to promote healthy exercise in a fun environment. As the Gold Coast’s largest shopping centre, Pacific Fair is the perfect location for a walking club. At the first meet last week, happy locals were excited to be part of the healthy activity. The program is free and takes place weekly every Thursday morning.
Senior Marketing Manager for Pacific Fair Kate Halpin said “Pacific Fair provides the ideal location for a walking club. With a safe and accessible environment, whilst also combining the indoors with the out, it is a great place for all ages to get active. Here at Pacific Fair we encourage active community initiatives such as this one and are so excited to be partnering with The Heart Foundation to engage the local community.”
The Heart Foundation Walking initiative is Australia’s largest network of free community based walking groups led by volunteer community members, with more than 1,100 walking groups across the country. Walking is dubbed the ‘wonder drug’ – walking for an average of 30 minutes or more a day can lower the risk of heart disease, stroke by 35% and Type 2 diabetes by 40%.

Pacific Fair’s Walking Club has attracted many locals to its launch