AMP Capital managed Marrickville Metro has moved towards zero waste with its ‘one-stop-drop’ recycling wall. The wall opened on the commencement of National Recycling Week and is an important part of the centre’s campaign to support the community to get greener! The centre recently joined the Green Caffeen swap-and-go coffee cup scheme and was the first shopping centre to launch the program.
90% of Australians want to recycle, but with soft plastics going here, mobile phones going there and batteries going who knows where, it sometimes feels hard to get everything where it needs to be. That’s why Marrickville Metro is thrilled to announce the launch of their new concept recycling wall in conjunction with National Recycling Week.
The wall also has an area where customers can borrow a reusable bag to do their shopping. Once they have finished with the bag, they simply return it to the recycling wall for other customers to use.
‘The easier it is to reuse and recycle, the more we can decrease waste and increase the percentage of materials that are diverted from landfill”, says Dean Young, Centre Manager of Marrickville Metro.

Marrickville Metro is enabling customers to recycle more easily
“We want to promote sustainable values within our centre as well as our community, and that is the driver behind our new recycle wall”, Young said.
This latest initiative brings Marrickville Metro one step closer to becoming NSW’s most sustainable shopping centre. The tagline on #metrorecyclewall reads, ‘Let’s move towards zero waste together!’ and that’s certainly what Marrickville Metro has done, a fact that makes them incredibly proud.
Young says, “We are always looking to the future, searching out new ways to improve our current sustainability practices. The recycle wall is our next step, but it certainly won’t be our last.”
Marrickville Metro is focused on increasing sustainability and making environmentally sound choices. The expansion of their current reusable bag wall is simply the next step in that process. The concept of this expansion is to create a ‘one-stop-drop’ for recyclables – a place where customers can bring all the different things that can be recycled without having to go here, there and everywhere. Marrickville Metro believes this will increase the percentage of items that are successfully diverted from landfill and answer the Inner West community’s call for more sustainable retail practices.
The new recycle wall has designated drops for each type of recyclable item. This includes:
• a Red Cycle collection area for soft plastics;
• a collection point for coffee and tea capsules, including tea discs;
• an area specified for beauty and health products, from shower gels, shampoo and conditioner to make-up packaging;
• a battery recycling point for AAA, AA, C, D and 9V Alkaline, Super Heavy Duty, Lithium and Rechargeable batteries and
• a mobile phones collection point for mobile phones, accessories and batteries.