Today AMP Capital announced that any future redevelopment of Macquarie Centre will include a solution for an Olympic-sized ice rink.
This decision follows AMP Capital’s decision to put on hold the proposed development application while undertaking a broad and ongoing consultation process with the community and stakeholders. The approved Concept Plan for Macquarie Centre includes a transport hub, additional towers and expansion of its retail offer.
Mark Kirkland, Managing Director of AMP Capital Shopping Centres said: “We have listened to community feedback. Their outpouring of support shows us they are passionate about retaining an Olympic-sized facility.”
“We know that any redevelopment also needs to continue to evolve Macquarie Centre’s unique entertainment and leisure facilities, provide additional civic space, expand night life activities and improve connections to public transport.
- Macquarie Centre artist impression (Hames Sharley Architects)
- Macquarie Centre artist impression (Hames Sharley Architects)
AMP Capital remains committed to delivering an outstanding development for the broader North West Sydney community. “We have a lot of hard work to do to bring this to fruition. AMP Capital thanks the local community, the NSW Premier, the State Member for Ryde, the Mayor of the City of Ryde, local councillors and council officers for their involvement to date. We look forward to continuing to work together to find the best outcome for all stakeholders including Macquarie Centre’s investors.” Kirkland said.
Any development will remain subject to planning and investor approvals.
State MP Victor Dominello MP has been successful in obtaining an Interim Heritage Order which requires AMP Capital to get permission from the Heritage Council before it is permitted to do anything with the ice-rink.