GPT’s Charlestown Square (dubbed Charlie) is turning 40 this month and is inviting old and new friends to come and celebrate this nostalgic milestone in Newcastle history. The centre, which opened in 1979, will transform with 70s inspired fun activations and mega giveaways taking over the space for 40 days. The celebrations will include a specially built Roller Skating Rink, a pop-up disco room, photo installation, retro lollies, 70s makeovers, performances and much more.
Charlestown Square is the largest shopping and entertainment destination in the Newcastle and Hunter region and a top performer – it ranked #12 for Specialty turnover per square metre in the 2019 Big Guns report. The super-regional centre comprises a Myer department store, two discount department stores, three supermarkets and a Reading Cinema complex. In addition to more than 280 specialty stores, the centre includes international retailers H&M, Sephora and Apple.

The modern Charlestown Square
Charlestown Square Centre Manager Mardi Ashkine said, “Charlie’s 40th birthday is all about bringing the local community together. Celebrating a landmark that has been timeless in serving the people of Newcastle for many generations. Charlestown Square opened in 1979 and since then has been a popular gathering spot, providing plenty of customers with some truly remarkable memories. Whether it be buying your very first formal dress, going on your first movie date or hanging out with your mates in the food court, Charlestown Square has seen it all over the past four decades.”
“This 40-day long party is all about celebrating with the generations of shoppers that have gathered here over the years. We wouldn’t be here without you, so this July we invite all our customers to step back in time with us and enjoy the good old days with friends and family.”
Customers who have fond memories of Charlestown Square are encouraged to share their pictures on social media, using #charlieturns40 @charlestownsquareofficial and we thought we would share a few with you here at SCN.