Dexus has embarked on a refreshing change of pace to the traditional hoarding that city dwellers and office workers have come to expect, the Faces of Kings Square campaign showcases larger than life photographs of Kings Square office tenants and retailers as the Wellington Street office building undergoes facade works in Perth.
The King Square precinct provides unprecedented connectivity being at the heart of Perth’s transport hub of underground rail and bus infrastructure, and the junction of four commuter cycle paths.
At its heart lies a vibrant plaza with financial and retail services, cafes and licenced restaurants. There are also extensive end-of-trip facilities including hundreds of bicycle racks, lockers and fully-equipped shower and change facilities and services including an onsite childcare centre.
For the next four months the localised and constantly evolving Faces of Kings Square campaign offers the buildings customers 15 minutes of fame as their faces are plastered across hoarding at 556 Wellington Street – one of Perth’s busiest thoroughfares. The facade works, which will continue until the end of 2019, has resulted in approximately 70 lineal metres of hoarding wrapping the Kings Square precinct – plenty of space for everyone to have their turn in the spotlight!

Tenants of the office building have their moment of glory
The first rollout of the posters is the participants as ‘themselves’, but as the campaign progresses, faces are updated fortnightly to reflect Perth events and themes, including local AFL team games, Wildcats home games, upcoming concerts at RAC Arena situated on the same block and Christmas.
Individuals featured represent Kings Square customers including Shell Australia, Shape Australia, Sedgman, The Brand Agency, Theiss, P&N Bank, Ippudo Degani,Brew Ha and V Burger
To create the campaign, agency partner Juicebox invited office customers and retailers to participate in a professional photo shoot with Dexus, then followed up with a set of questions to get a sense of participants’ interests, including favourite foods in the precinct, music tastes and preferred sporting teams.
“With the faces surrounding our building, it makes it feel more like a community and this way it’s more like, ‘Hi there neighbour’,” said participant Linda Calitz of Sedgman Pty Limited.
“Having been tired of many clichés on city hoardings, I am quite amazed by seeing how my business, colleagues and accordingly myself are directly engaged with all aspects of the Kings Square. The extra care taken by selecting Australia’s national colours for the faces also is quite impressive,” remarked Mason Moudi of Sedgman Pty Limited.
Tim McGuane, Portfolio Manager for Dexus said: “The Faces of Kings Square campaign is an opportunity to have a little fun and showcase some of our wonderful customers across our retail and office spaces who make the Kings Square precinct such a unique, vibrant and exciting place within our city.” .
The Kings Square office and retail precinct is managed by Dexus. Follow the fun on social media via #facesofkingssquare