Vicinity Centres has commenced construction works at Box Hill Central, revitalising one of Melbourne’s busiest shopping centres and transforming it into a fresh and modern market-leading destination. The revitalisation brings to life the first stages of Vicinity’s ambition to create an integrated world-class mixed-use precinct, transforming the heart of Box Hill.
Designed to meet the changing needs and tastes of the community, Box Hill Central’s south shopping precinct will be a key part of the precinct, with the current works covering more than 10,500m2 of ground floor retail and car park lobby areas.
Box Hill Central Centre Manager, Natalie Kyall, said the redevelopment will significantly improve access and flow to the centre and transform Box Hill Central into a retail destination of the future.
“The redevelopment of Box Hill Central will elevate the centre and includes new façades, floors, ceilings, furniture and lighting providing a pleasant environment for our community to visit their favourite and new retailers,” said Kyall.
“We’ve also analysed the way customers move around our centre and we’re reconfiguring the southern retail precinct to improve accessibility, including a new entrance way and the introduction of dual-frontage restaurants.

A fresh and modern market-leading destination for purveyors of mouth-watering dining, fresh food and speciality ingredients
Central to the design is the improvement of the precinct is improved access and engagement with the surrounding street network, delivered through a new southern entry point from Carrington Road, expected to attract more than one million visitors a year, three new travelators and a new customer lift connecting all levels of the car park.
The southern precinct will also benefit from a reconfiguration of the mall to accommodate new kiosks and an extension to the main internal avenue to create three new permanent retail stores, further enhancing the retail offering and experience for customers.
Complementing the significant centre upgrades will be suite of new major and speciality retailers, including a new Coles supermarket launching in mid-2022, and new dual frontage restaurants facing out onto Carrington Road and into the precinct’s internal centre avenue.
“Most of the works will take place outside of trading hours, and will be completed in stages concluding with the launch of new restaurants in September 2022,” Kyall said.
The refurbishment and redesign of the centre’s popular southern retail precinct is the first step in Vicinity’s delivery of a new vibrant Box Hill Central for the community to enjoy.
Supporting its leading retail offering will be the introduction of three levels of new commercial office space sitting above Box Hill Central South, complete with its own dedicated entrance onto Carrington Road.

Box Hill masterplan
Complementing the redevelopment of Box Hill Central South, plans for Box Hill North includes a range of new mixed-use buildings which are proposed as residential and commercial office space, positioned above retail premises and flanked by a new public open space including a Spanish Steps-inspired public amphitheatre, providing more meeting places for the local community to enjoy.