The Big Guns Lunch, hosted by Shopping Centre News (SCN) on Friday 24th March at the Ivy Ballroom in Sydney was attended by CEOs and senior executives from across the industry.
The event coincides with the release of SCN’s annual Big Guns report which ranks the performances of major shopping centres across Australia (those with a GLA above 50,000m2). Awards for the top performing centres in terms of MAT (Moving Annual Turnover), MAT/m2 and Specialty MAT/m2 were presented at the event. The awards presentation video can be viewed here.
At the Big Guns lunch, guests had the exclusive opportunity to hear from CEOs and Retail Heads of leading shopping centre companies. This year’s discussion was moderated by SCN’s Publisher, Michael Lloyd and the panel included: Susan MacDonald, Non-Executive Director, Cbus Property; Yvette Keatings, Head of Portfolio Strategy and Customer – Retail, Charter Hall; Elliott Rusanow, CEO, Scentre Group; Chris Barnett, Head of Retail and Mixed-Use, The GPT Group; Peter Huddle, CEO, Vicinity Centres. SCN’s premium members can watch the full panel discussion replay here.
The Big Guns lunch is sponsored by Mainbrace Constructions.
- Leanne Liu, Managing Editor, Shopping Centre News