CBD Guns 2024
What a year for CBD Guns! Increases in all tables in the double digit regions; rises in the 20 to 30% and one even in the 50% region; simply phenomenal. This year, we’ve changed our reporting criteria for CBD Guns and included centres that were previously only recorded in the...

CBD Guns 2023
“Lies, damn lies and statistics” ; a line often attributed to Mark Twain; it has significant relativity to this year’s CBD Guns feature – we need to be careful about how we interpret the data! It was 2020 when we published the last rankings showing the turnover statistics for CBD...

CBD Guns 2022
Our CBDs in the main have been ravaged by COVID; some more than others, but it makes any form of ‘ranking’ their sales performances simply futile. The CBD Guns feature next year, however, will probably be the most interesting of all our sectors – Big, Little, Mini and CBD. Why?...

COVID-19 has made MAT and other turnover statistics invalid – in terms of any comparative formats. The fact is they’ve been affected far more than any other centres – Big, Little or Mini Guns. We saw Melbourne, for example, totally locked down for months; other cities ‘closed’ their CBDs for...

The usual 12-month reporting period for SCN's annual CBD Guns runs from 1 April to 31 March. This year, we changed it to 1 March 2019 to 29 February 2020. We did this as the COVID-19 situation led to a number of variances across the nation during the month of March...

An expanding segment; a few years ago (2014 to be precise) we started the CBD Guns feature with 15 centres; this year it’s 24. Lendlease’s Barangaroo joins the rankings as does the MLC Centre in Sydney, along with St. Collins Lane and Galleria in Melbourne. The field this year, is...

Some great results from the CBD Guns! The Strand Arcade continues to power ahead with a healthy rise in MAT this year and specialties are trading at well over the $25,000/m2 mark. The emerging battle between Pitt and George Streets for retail supremacy put The Strand Arcade in a great...

CBD Guns 2017
This is a feature that you put away and pull it out in a few years' time and then contrast it with the new picture at that time. Chifley submitted their figures, but they’re not really relevant as the centre has been under massive renovation and redevelopment for the whole...

CBD Guns 2016
Some great results: CBD retail is looking rather good! Standouts are Mirvac’s Greenwood Plaza – up over 18% on MAT and 20% on MAT/m2. The Galleries, GICRE/Ipoh recorded a 19% increase in MAT/m2 as a result of a 19% jump in MAT. QueensPlaza, the Vicinity landmark in the Brisbane CBD,...
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