From the Publisher
This ‘From the Publisher’ article by Michael Lloyd was first published in SCN Vol. 39 no. 3, July 2021 Pacific Fair is for sale – the whole thing – as...

From the Publisher – March 2021
What a difference! A Big Guns issue without any rankings. Just over one year ago, that was, quite simply, inconceivable. This year, SCN made a decision not to publish any MAT...

From the Publisher, November 2020
A COVID-19 vaccine is on the way. Nothing is absolutely sure as we go to press but the reports are promising – informed opinion is that most of the world’s...

From the Publisher – September 2020
One of the problems with ‘public opinion’ is that often the public doesn’t have sufficient knowledge to form one! ‘Percentage Rent’ has loomed into the commercial arena recently, with the...

From the Publisher
The world is waiting for the ‘new normal’ since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. In itself, it’s an acceptance that things will never be the same; but just how...

VALE Jack Mundey 1929 – 2020
SCN’s publisher was fortunate to be a friend of the late Jack Mundey. In the true sense of the word, Jack Mundey was an extraordinary man. Had the coronavirus pandemic...

From the Publisher
It’s Big Guns time again – how the time flies! Last year was a tough one for retail. It’s not just the e-commerce competition, high levels of debt and low...

From the Publisher
Not often we feature a retailer in our cover story; we’ve done it before, but only when that retailer has a significant influence on our business. We all know Coles...

From the Publisher
Another great issue and running through it all – ‘community’. There are still some sceptics out there; I know because I meet them. Yes, there are still some decision-makers in...

From the publisher
I always like the CBD Guns issue because the contributions from our writers are always so engaging. Check out Louise Burke’s article on the Melbourne CBD and Melissa Prpic’s on...

From the Publisher
Big Guns issue; always an interesting time. Almost without exception, the CEOs, in the CEO Outlook remark on the resilience of our industry. In difficult times for retail, our centres continue...

From the Publisher
I’m writing from China, a country where I spend five to six months a year. The country’s ’11.11’ day is over. ‘Singles’ Day’ (or ‘Guanggun Jie’) is its original nomenclature...

From the Publisher
At SCN, we’ve had a period of ‘community’ since our last issue. We spent time with SCA Property Group – this month’s Cover Story. Both Anthony Mellowes (CEO) and Sid...

From the Publisher
This edition’s Cover Story features AMP’s Bayfair Shopping Centre in the City of Tauranga, New Zealand. I went over there to visit the centre and met the team; what a...

From the Publisher
We’ve had a lot happening at SCN since our last issue… The major event of our year – the Big Guns lunch – occurred and as always, it was a...

From the Publisher
We recently spent a day at the tennis as a guest of MasterCard and saw the young Korean, Chung, beat Sandgren. It was a great day, coupled with quite a...

From the Publisher
Christmas has moved from the horizon and is now in full sight. We usually make predictions, and most of the time we get it right! Although the retail outlook is not bullish at the moment...

From the Publisher
The fact that retail sales across Australia were ‘flat’ is a statistic. As a statistic, it’s undoubtedly true, but the reality is that retail sales were anything but flat...

From the Publisher
Copious amounts of editorial we receive are written about the internet, e-commerce, Amazon, bricks-and-mortar versus online shopping et al! ...

From the Publisher
Throughout this issue, in articles from Fast Food to Design, from Leasing to Legal, from Marketing to Trends and everything in between, there runs a thread, common to all topics, and it’s that of ‘community’...

From the Publisher
Big Guns time again; how the year flies by! It’s also ‘CEO Outlook’ time again. There’s talk this year of the ‘Trump factor’, a lot about ‘Shopper Experience’, and of...

From the Publisher
What an eventful period since the last issue! The SCCA held two major events using Sydney’s Westin Hotel Ballroom. First was the Stephen Lowy lunch, followed by National Marketing Awards....

From the Publisher
There's been a lot going on during the last month! First it was the official opening of Pacific Fair, which was a great event, great turnout and a great centre. It’s a centre with a difference but ...

From the Publisher
Two columns in this edition have prompted these following thoughts. The first is by Angus Nardi of the SCCA in which he talks about some interests trying to change planning...

From the Publisher
This issue deals with CBD retail and the DEXUS initiative in forming a specialised CBD retail team to regenerate shopping at the base of their commercial towers. On another front, Angus Nardi, Executive Director of the SCCA discusses...

From the Publisher
Big Guns time again. The short story is that the Big Guns are doing well; we’ve seen some really solid increases across the board and, for those centres showing a...

From the Publisher
We’re online! This opens up a whole new world for us. We at SCN love the print media; we’ll never give it up but we understand the world is changing,...

From the Publisher
I’ve just returned from China where I spoke at two conventions: the ICSC in Beijing and the annual major Mall China Conference, this year held in Shenzhen. There is a...
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