Shopper Media this week launched its own community campaign, “Kindness is…” across its Smartlite Network to encourage shoppers to remain calm, embrace a community spirit and practise healthy hygiene as foot traffic continues to rise across local shopping centres nationally.
Ben Walker, CEO of Shopper Media, says recent Shopper Media data has revealed a significant increase in foot traffic across its network of shopping centres.
“Compared to the week leading into Christmas last year, we have seen 36% more shoppers in store as households continue to stock up pasta, rice, toilet paper and household essentials,” he says.
“We anticipate the data will continue to report that shopping centre environments are well attended. In coming weeks, consumers will work from home, practise social distancing and avoid mass gatherings, however, many will continue their day-to-day activities like going to the grocery store and visiting chemists for personal, medical and hygiene items. All current indications suggest the mode of ‘living locally’ and regularly visiting local shopping centres is not set to abate.”
Shopper Media will roll out its “Kindess is….” campaign across its portfolio of more than 360 retail centres, targeting key CBD and local communities across the country, and reaching more than 11.3 million Australian shoppers monthly.

Important messaging to reach millions visiting shopping centres
The ‘Kindness is…” campaign has been created to help shopping centres remind Australians that community spirit and healthy hygiene practices are the best from of protection against contracting coronavirus.
Karissa Fletcher, Head of Marketing at Shopper Media, says that the company recognised it is in a unique position to share important messages with local communities.
“We have dedicated space across our Smartlite Network in support of our shopping centre partners as they manage the influx of shoppers to their centres,” she says. “The ‘Kindness is…’ campaign reminds shoppers of three simple acts of kindness and courtesy, such as washing your hands, sneezing into a tissue and buying only what you need as we combat the challenges of coronavirus in our communities.”