Helen Bakewell

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Helen Bakewell

Helen Bakewell is a research professional with nearly 30 years’ experience in the shopping centre industry working at R&H, LLS, Lend Lease, AMP and Directional Insights.

Is tableage the new corkage?
Is tableage the new corkage?
A fairly common response these days when booking a table at a successful restaurant is “We can take a 6.30pm booking but we’ll need the table back by 8.15pm”. This...
How Penrith Plaza changed the retail world and mine!
How Penrith Plaza changed the retail world and mine!
One of our main features in this issue is ‘women in development’. Helen Bakewell joined this industry some 25 years ago. From a ‘rookie’ she progressed through the industry to...
Kidulting Around
Kidulting Around
Cinemas in shopping centres only occurred in the 1990s. Look at new usages – from mobile phones to sporting footwear – and what you see is a society in transition....
It all starts with a pair of briefs…
It all starts with a pair of briefs…
Everybody reading this who is involved with a shopping centre development wants and expects their project to be a winner, to shoot the lights out, win awards and deliver fabulous...
AMPCSC: The changing customer voice
AMPCSC: The changing customer voice
I have known Michael Lloyd since I was at university in the 1980s...


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